LED-console is a special construction for decoration of street lamps. Light consoles are used widely in new year and holiday decoration of the streets. They can be temporal (for holiday or seasonal) and constant (branded). Such decorations have little weight, are resistant to aggressive outside effects, are easily mounted on the street lamps of different diameter. Alongside with that these decorations have no practical limitations in design and therefore allow to realize into practice most unusual ideas of street illumination and city décor. Light consoles are used in decoration of city prospects, walking areas, alleys, city parks, embankments; they can be seen on building facades as outdoor or indoor sign boards. An original LED console in a shop center, office, restaurant or a café can provide you with an attractive visit card and effective advertisement.
It was not long ago when volumetric (3-D) light constructions entered the city streets and now they are all over the place and according to the latest tendencies, they are not going to give up their positions but only to make them stronger year after year, making us wonder at always lighter and brighter and more interesting novelties of the light decoration industry. A volumetric 3-D construction is a spatial carcass made of metal or plastic. A duralight tube or an LED-garland is attached to that carcass. The carcass also can go decorated with special cloth, fringe or even beads. Light figures, light panels, outdoor motives, flat and volumetric constructions are becoming more popular every season, and nowadays this type of light decorations for festivities and New Year holidays can be named the most demanded trend in the outdoor decoration.
We are ready to supply you with pre-fabricated consoles and constructions from our catalogue as well as make a special design personally for you meeting your requests. Our company provides the whole scope of services in outdoor city decoration.
Call us: Tel: +7-499-677-65-83 Mail: info@euroelka.com Monday till Friday | 10:00–19:00
Our address: Moscow, Troitsk